Mont Blanc Individuel EDT 萬寶龍獨白男士淡香水75ml

Mont Blanc Individuel EDT 萬寶龍獨白男士淡香水75ml

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This fragrance underlines the independence, the mystery and the romanticism of the Homme Individuel. His solitary character increases his charm and his personality. He is a man both original and traditional but who distinguishes himself from others through his wisdom and his determination. He never settles for conformity, chooses to excel and therefore manages to be a fully accomplished person while being independent, romantic and mysterious.

Top note: rosemary, pineapple, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, juniper berries, mint, bergamot cardamom
Heart note: orange blossom, violet, jasmine and geranium;
Base note:  sandalwood, amber, patchouli, musk, raspberry, vanilla, dark chocolate, oakmoss and vetiver.

Mont Blanc Individuel香水, 都說聞香識女人,其實,這句話放在男性身上同樣適用。一款香水代表著一個男性的氣質和格調,可以說香水是男性的第二張名片,只要挑對了香水,絕對會令人對你念念不忘。今天和大家種草一款好聞的木質男香——Mont Blanc Individuel,獨特好聞,一定要入手!

Mont Blanc Individuel是萬寶龍在2003年推出的木質東方調男士香水,瓶身以及外包裝上的六星logo是它尊貴的象徵。它的前調是迷迭香、菠蘿、芫荽、肉桂、薰衣草、杜松子、薄荷、香檸檬和小荳蔻,層次感豐富,清新中帶著一股神秘,薰衣草令人覺得舒適和放鬆。中調是橙花、紫羅蘭、茉莉和老鸛草,清幽馥郁的花香令人沉醉其中。後調是檀香木、琥珀、廣藿香、麝香、樹莓、香草、黑巧克力、橡木苔和香根草,有質感的木質香很好聞,性感有活力,苦澀絲滑的黑巧克力為這個味道增添了一份獨特的氣味。總的來說,萬寶龍的這瓶將男香的陽剛之氣展現得淋漓盡致,個性中帶著溫暖,氣味很討喜。個人認為這瓶獨白更適合成熟男性,不挑場合,很好駕馭,它富有十足的男人味,同時,它也是溫柔優雅的,因此獨白很適合作為日常通勤香和約會香使用,令人怦然心動。


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