Calvin Klein CK Free EDT 自由男士香水 50ml - 品薈toppridehk

Calvin Klein CK Free EDT 自由男士香水 50ml/100ml

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CK香水以來自於獨立的都會男子為靈感,設計出適合都會男性使用的ck free男性淡香水。他將每天的生活安排地充實,無須向任何人證明自己,隨性自在而不受拘束。 他隨心所欲,完全掌握自己的命運。

CK Free是一款溫暖的木質芳香調香氛,出乎意料的清新、隨性,並散發無庸置疑的陽剛氣息。前味以苦艾酒揭起心靈解放的邀請,旅程由獨特的辛香接續,及象徵自信與深度的性感木質調迂迴纏繞。

在瓶身包裝及設計上,CK Free 男性淡香水瓶身傳遞商品的自由心境及ck品牌的極簡精神。精細的輪廓、俐落陽剛的斜面與多邊裁切,描繪心靈奔放的律動。瓶身獨特地展現了多層次的藍一擷取了來自天空、海洋、樹木以及地球的豐富色調,傳達不拘小節的自在隨性。紙盒外包裝由兩種金屬藍色呈現,搭配瓶身以傳遞極簡摩登的香氛精神。

香 調: 木質清新調
前 味: 波羅蜜、泰國八角茴香、杜松莓果、苦艾酒
中 味: 咖啡萃取、麂皮、煙葉、南非布枯葉
後 味: 廣藿香萃取、橡木、德州雪松、哥斯大黎加鐵木

One of the world's leading lifestyle brands, Calvin Klein is synonymous with authentic modern minimalist style. Everything it creates ¡X clothing, accessories, home design ¡X becomes a timeless classic. The label's award-winning fragrances are no exception. Calvin Klein's portfolio of bold and iconic scents continues to redefine the world of perfume. CK Free for men by Calvin Klein incorporates absinth, jackfruit, star anise, juniper berries, suede, coffee and oak. The dynamic scent of freedom, it is a fragrance with ambition, scope, hopes and dreams. Cool and controlled, he has his eyes on the prize and his heart invested in the adventure.

Top Notes: Absinthe, Jackfruit, Thail Star Anise, Juniper Berry

Heart Notes: Buchu, Suede, Coffee Absolute, Tobacco Leaves

Base Notes: Costa Rican Ironwood, Oakwood, Patchouli

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