Tous Gems Power EDT 淘氣小熊 - 香鑽力量女士淡香水90ml
Nature magically transforms minerals into stunning gemstones through fire, energy and time. All the energy of the universe is concentrated into these precious stones, bestowed upon us by the Earth and used since time immemorial for their beauty and power. It is for this reason that gemstones are the authentic stars of the magical Gem Power collection, with a variety of jewelry designed in different metals such as 18kt gold and titanium, accompanied by pearls and gemstones such as Amethyst and pink Opal. Ready to experience their power?
TOUS香鑽力量女性淡香水靈感來自大自然帶給我們各種珍奇異狀的美麗寶石,其珍貴、特殊、獨一無二的美麗寶石,擁多變色彩和清晰度,象徵充沛正能量與賦予幸福力魔力,使我們 感受到獨特的美好。西瓜碧璽同是大自然魅力的鬼斧之作,由珠寶專家之手雕刻寶石並將其轉化為極具價值的晶石。
瓶身設計以稀有的西瓜碧璽寶石為靈感,帶有通亮、歡樂的綠色調,融入濃郁、歡快的粉紅色中, 酷似西瓜的果肉和果皮,因此得名。所有的奇幻美麗,通通保留在一顆香氛寶石!白色盒子上醒目的寶石印花,略帶微光,揭示了一個大秘密:這些寶石擁有強大的力量,並存在於這款香水中。