Marc Jacobs Perfect EDP 馬克.雅克布完美女士香水50ml
The Perfect Marc Jacobs bottle is a fun mix of elegance and modernity. The weighted glass base is inspired by the grace and style of a classic perfume. At the top, the cap is crowned with an eclectic and multicolored collection of mis-matched charms. Each charm was selected by Marc himself, and injects a touch of his style into the design.
Marc jacobs推出了全新「完美女人淡香精」系列,光是看包裝就令人少女心炸裂,裸粉色的瓶身缀以優雅的金色瓶頸,香水蓋更是焦點所在:由Marc jacobs精選多種色彩豐富的飾物交錯交疊,包含有幽默十足的香蕉、高跟鞋、幸運星和小白貓.這款全新「完美女人淡香精」,氣味也很討喜,甜蜜中帶點小清新,前調以明亮的大黃、水仙做開場,新鮮的花香非常具活力;中調則是杏仁奶帶入香甜奶果香氣息,基調混搭雪松木和喀什米爾,讓氣味加乘成深度與柔軟姿態。