Kenzo L'eau Par Women EDT 高田賢三 - 冰之戀(女士)香水 30ml/50ml/100ml
Water for Kezno symbolizes many things, above all, water is the source of health, purity, life, youth and eternity. This perfume is created for a woman that’s happy and simple. Classified as floral-aquatic, Kenzo is bright and fresh. Frosted mint lends its purity and complexity, lotus reveals its clarity. The pink pepper note embelishes the composition with its sensual character warming up previous floral notes. It was created in 1996. Available in bottles seen on the picture.
日本時尚設計師高田賢三擅長以大自然作為設計的靈感,以水為主題的水之戀在經過重新包裝後,有了新的樣貌! KENZO自1996年推出L'EAU PAR KENZO水之戀廣受全球歡迎後,2003年全新改版,創造出更適合亞洲濕熱氣候的全新香氛型態! KENZO水之戀煥然壹新的設計,唯有清新的香氛依舊。淡雅的水生花香調,融入了清新的冰薄荷、柔美的蓮花及感性的粉胡椒,為這瓶香水帶來新的生機! 清新而性感的水,泛起的淡淡漣漪化成了波浪狀的瓶身和外包裝,獨具風格的瓶身捕捉了流水的動態美感,柔和的曲線凝聚著女人的嫵媚和潔凈。