Atelier Cologne Gaiac Eternel Cologne 歐瓏秘境之木高定古龍水 30ml

Atelier Cologne Gaiac Eternel Cologne 歐瓏秘境之木高定古龍水 30ml

  • HK$380.00
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Gaïac Eternel invites you to find the hidden treasures of an unreachable nature, deep in the Paraguayan rainforest. Follow the golden line and let yourself be carried away by the deep and enchanting scent of the guaiac forest.

全新稀世古龍Gaïac Eternel秘境之木蘊含珍貴癒創木煥發活力的精萃,明亮的佛手柑為沉實煙燻調注入活力。一如這種永垂不朽的貴重木材,紙莎草後調帶來教人念念不忘的餘韻。當地人稱癒創木為「生命之樹」,擁有數之不盡的功效。薩滿會燃燒神聖的癒創木,為在茂密森林中另闢新徑的無畏探險者提供力量。這款全新香水的誕生,正是向癒創木神秘而迷人的魅力致敬

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