Fresh Lotus Youth Preserve Rescue Mask 馥蕾詩 睡蓮滋潤活顔面膜 100ml
A creamy 5-minute facial in a jar that smoothes and resets tired skin, restoring its youthful radiance.
et flawless skin in 5 minutes with this multi-benefit mask that instantly smoothes, hydrates, and leaves a natural dewy radiance (perfect for no-makeup days). Its blend of kombu seaweed, red algae, and lotus seed powder gently buffs and refines the skin with a cushiony texture and refreshing scent.
肌膚每天都面對各種環境壓力- 包括內在(飲食失衡、缺乏睡眠)和外在(紫外線、環境污染),肌膚在對抗自由基時造成很多負擔,這些氧化污染造成的壓力,會對肌膚構成傷害。 只需短短5分鐘,睡蓮青春活膚速效面膜讓肌膚即時對抗5種受壓癥兆:暗啞、粗糙、膚色不均、乾燥和毛孔堵塞。睡蓮青春活膚系列專利配方Super 7全效複合成分,其主要成分睡蓮萃取源自東南亞,配合睡蓮種籽萃跟昆布海藻薄片及紅藻顆粒成分,輕柔地加速肌膚循環、嫩滑肌膚,回復青春亮澤。