Paco Rabanne One Million Men EDT 百萬男士淡香水 100ml
One Million Eau de Toilette is a fresh and spicy fragrance for men with notes of amber, leather, and tangerine. It defies all the rules and upsets the codes while adding a touch of irresistible seduction. It contains head-turning aromas to suit a man with rebellious charm. One Million. You can be a bad boy, so long as you're a gentleman at all times. Never take orders, create your own rules. This fragrance contains more detailed notes including Frosted Grapefruit, Blood Mandarin, Peppermint, Rose Absolute, Musk, Cinnamon Bark, Blond Leather, Tonka Bean, Patchouli, White Wood and Amber Ketal.
Paco Rabanne one Million香水, 優秀的男士自然也是想要盡情的展示自身的魅力與身份地位和財富,而靠什麼來展示呢?明晃晃的大金鍊子有點太過於招搖,豪車有無法時刻跟隨,名表走在後面的人如何看到,其實比較明智的做法是配上一款貴氣的香氛,讓人一靠近就了解其實力。
Paco Rabanne one Million是於2008年上市的,帕高百萬金磚香水,全身黃金質感,與建築的幾何立體相結合,一出來便備受無數的品質男關注。 Paco Rabanne one Million是辛辣木質調,共計有三名調香師參與設計,使用者給出的標籤有溫暖辛辣、桂皮、柑橘、木香、皮革、琥珀的味道,金磚的造型加上別具西方韻味的LOGO給人一種莊重的奢華感,共計十種香料調製而成,多層次的複合味道令人痴迷。
基調: 皮革,木香調,琥珀,印度廣藿香