Chanel Chance EDT 香奈兒 - 機遇女士淡香水 100ml

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A floral fragrance in a round bottle. Unpredictable, in perpetual movement, CHANCE sweeps you into its whirlwind of happiness and fantasy. An olfactory encounter with chance.

It comes and goes, it never stays still... and you only have a few seconds to seize your chance. It is unpredictable and appears when you least expect it, but if you decide to seize it, anything is possible.
"A chance came up, I seized it." Mademoiselle Chanel knew that her real chance was the one of her own creation, a state of mind, a way of being.

A floral fragrance that intertwines Pink Pepper, Jasmine and Amber Patchouli. An unpredictable, elusive, ever-changing fragrance - in turn floral, spicy, sensual and rich.

持久花香調香奈兒最令人驚喜的香水創作。 一款香調結構的香水創作,各種香氛元素環繞著球形的軌跡,周而復始、永不停歇的相互碰撞。 花香味的場合, 混合 Funinko 的總和?尾草味道的香氛,散髮甜美的感覺之余,也帶有感性及熱情的氣息,甜美與辛辣交織的嗅覺體驗,充分表現時代女性朝氣勃勃及勇敢果斷的一面。 香氛大師Jacques Polge以三年時間調制的Chance, 是特別針對年輕勇於嘗試, 愛好幻想, 熱情活力, 狂野卻又纖細的年輕女性所設計。 


前調: 粉色胡椒

中調: 茉莉, 鳶尾

基調: 廣藿香, 香草, 麝香

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